Ignore Us No More
A film by Michael Warner and Justin Rowe

About the film:
Producers: Michael Warner and Justin Rowe
Ignore Us No More is a film about ordinary teenagers who have become extraordinary activists, demanding that their voices be heard, and that their interests be taken seriously. The film follows these activists at home, at school, at play, and as they work to fan the flames of activism in order to broaden their base of support, and increase their political influence. On the journey, we witness the obstacles, the challenges, the encouragement, the tireless commitment, and the successes that they encounter.
By highlighting these young activists, and publicizing the movement to bring diverse and younger voters to the polls in 2020, Ignore Us No More adds fuel to the fire. For its target audience of young and diverse populations, Ignore Us No More is a call to decision: To activate, to vote, and to use their collective power to forge a new direction for the future of our country.
In 2020 Ignore Us No More will be featured in an Impact Campaign of community screenings at college campuses in battleground political districts. These screenings, which will double as activism outreach and voter registration events, will be promoted with an extensive social media campaign, and coordinated with national and grassroots organizations. The film screenings will be attended by the filmmakers, activists, and representatives of the various organizations.
Your tax-deductible contribution will directly fund the development, production, and distribution of this documentary film. Together, we can help to bring tens of thousands of new voters to the polls in battleground districts and help change the trajectory of America's political future.
Michael Warner and Justin Rowe are production professionals with over 55 years of combined experience in commercial, documentary, television and feature film production. Our work has appeared in international film festivals and on every major broadcast and cable network in the US. We have won two Emmy's for documentary film production, Alaska Dreams (2012) and cinematic storytelling is our passion.
Like the activists that are featured in this film, we can no longer stand by and wait for change. We are compelled to use our talents to make a film that will impact the outcome of the 2020 elections, and ultimately the future we leave to our children.
For more about about the film and the filmmakers please visit http://www.frontageroadstudios.com/activism.html